Home Visits

Home visits are available on request for patients who are housebound, terminally ill or too ill to come to the surgery. Home visits maybe arranged at the discretion of the Doctor.

If possible try and come to the surgery where more diagnostic equipment is available. Lack of transport as a reason for a doctor to visit is not appropriate.

Please give the receptionist brief details of your illness so the doctor can assess the order of priority of visits.

If you need a visit please try to telephone the surgery as early as possible in the day.

Do I Need a Home Visit?

A GP visit IS NOT needed for the following common symptoms:

  • Fevers, cough, sore throat, earache, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting, most cases of abdominal pain.
  • In these instances most patients are usually well enough to travel.
  • Remember it is not harmful to wrap up a child with a fever and bring them to the surgery.
  • Adults with common problems as above are also readily transportable to the doctor’s surgery.